
Guilds are gamification mechanics focused on the cooperation of users. Their function is to create a deeper emotional bond between users by unifying them into certain groups.

Typically, games with guilds also have special team quests and a common room where users can track overall team progress.

Guilds belong to the Social layer in the model of gamification (see Model)

Strong effect

Cooperation with real users is one of the main motivating aspects to continue playing the game. This is what makes gamification meaningful for users.

Weak effect

If guilds have not been thoroughly set up, competition may lead to anxiety of certain users provoked by competitive atmosphere. The positive aspect of guilds lies in the fact that they can successfully combine cooperation and competition. However, you should consider a wide variety of factors to set it up, such as the area of gamification and people to interact with it.

Duration of the effect

Guilds are one of the mechanics that indicate the long-term nature of the game from the start. You should thoroughly consider the system for updating teams' tasks and goals as well as balance competitive and cooperative aspects.

What can I do with this?

Users can choose the specific guild to enter by themselves when there is a variety of them. For instance, by submitting an application if a guild cannot be entered simply based on an individual preference.
You can spark users' interest by implementing interactive elements within the guild. It may be a chat, a voting tool, or easy access to detailed team analytics. These interactions increase the time spent by users in the system and help to create a deeper emotional bond between the members of the same guild
Demonstration of guild's achievements is a crucial mechanic that allows players to show their contribution to a common goal