Reverse roleplay

Difficulty level — easy
Offer the applicants a Polyjuice Potion and let them... become recruiters themselves! For instance, one of the applicants plays the role of an HR manager and the other — of an interviewee. The applicant playing as a recruiter assumes what questions he/she would ask if he/she accepted a person on his team. This type of roleplay helps to better understand an applicant's mindset, as well as a company and position orientation. And the person playing the applicants' role will feel at ease, and therefore will be more honest in answering questions.


Efficiency of the recruitment process will improve
This method of interviewing offers the applicants a sense of comfort. As it is much easier to answer the questions of the person who is in an equal position, right? Through this potion, you will be able to assess the applicants from another point of view. The questions they will ask each other can help to determine their level of motivation for the work and the level of demand for the employee in this position.
Employer's brand credibility will uplift
This method of conducting interviews is more friendly. Therefore, the applicants will be left with positive impressions. That will improve their attitude towards your corporate brand in general.
Employer brand awareness will increase
Non-standard mechanics tend to attract more attention. The applicants will tell their friends and colleagues about you, and you will receive more free inbound applications.

Key Performance Indicators

NPS of applicants
NPS is a net promoter score. It indicates the applicant's willingness to recommend your company or product to his/her acquaintances. The higher the score, the higher is their satisfaction level. This indicator directly affects the recognition of your employer's brand.
employee turnover rate
The better you screen newcomers' skills at the start, the more likely it is they will fit in the job and stay with you long-term.

Required resources

HR manager

Game mechanics

How to apply the Potion

Do not warn the applicants about the format in advance
The applicants should not be given the opportunity to prepare a list of questions in advance — as this will eliminate the element of surprise and give them a head start.
Let the applicants assess each other
Let them create their own assessment scale for each other. This way, you can kill two birds with one stone: test the analytical abilities of the applicants and assess the degree of their insistence on high standards to themselves and their colleagues.
Assess the applicants
In parallel with the game, conduct a standard assessment of candidates. This way, you can fix and compare your grades with those of the applicants.
Give the applicants a feedback
Feedback should be given to every applicant personally - either right at the end of the game or within a week after this stage of the selection round.
Collect the feedback
Ask the applicants whether they found the mechanics difficult. How is the format in general? What was the most memorable part of it? What were their impressions? We advise you to adjust the game after each feedback session.