scientific article
Egor Sokolov
Games That Kill Us: Video Games and Violence in the Russian Printed Media Discourse
Egor Sokolov
Соколов Е.С. Игры, которые нас убивают: видеоигры и насилие в дискурсе российской печатной прессы. Журнал "Социология власти", 32 (3). С. 159-182
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Video games are often portrayed as a tool of youth indoctrination and violence. Is it true, though? In this article, Egor Sokolov analyzes the extent to which the problem of video game violence is exaggerated and whether the correlation between aggression and computer games is as obvious as it seems.


What hazards do computer games pose? Do they cause violence, as commonly believed? Or is this just a common misconception reiterated in the press, with no valid evidence to support it? The article answers these topical questions. The author critically analyzes modern video game discourse, revealing how the existing representations can influence video game production and consumption.

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