
Loss is a supportive in-game action that implies that the users may lose something they own. The user may, for instance, lose some virtual currency or earned points due to any penalties, lose a quest due to its ill-timed completion, or lose an item through its use.

Strong effect

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. Contrariwise, the value of any item decreases, when the user gains it without a risk of its loss.

Weak effect

The potential loss is both one of the strongest motivators and the strongest demotivators. It is advisable to set up a system of losses and penalties with extreme thoroughness. Otherwise, the game will only cause anxiety among the users. At first, they may be very active (simply in order not to lose what they have earned), but the anxiety will eventually become so unbearable that the users will simply refuse to stay in the game.

Interaction with elements from the Mechanics deck

Loss is just like an accumulation. However, if the accumulation implies an increase, the loss, contrariwise, implies a decrease. A user can lose points (except for the experience points as an experience cannot be lost; even the negative one leads to progress), pets, personal space items, virtual items, showcases' items, and quests.