
Completion is a supportive in-game action that implies the ability to permanently complete the action the user once started. A user may, for instance, complete a series of quests, finally beat the boss, or fully compile the collection without any empty spots.

An analog of completion: closing, passing.

Strong effect

One of the reasons for users to play a video game is the ability to eventually end the story, or complete a long-running task. We rarely can experience this in-game sense of completion in real life. Gamification has the power to fix that.

Weak effect

Any long-term gamification will never lead to completion. Game designers have to keep that in mind. Their task is to ensure that the user experiences this sense of completion even in its absence.

Interaction with elements from the Mechanics deck

A user can complete only the things that can be completed. For instance, they can complete the collections of pets, in-game items, and insignia, as well as various quests, the history of which can then be separately viewed to study in-game progress.