
Customization is a supportive in-game action that implies the ability to further modify and improve anything the user has. The user may, for instance, expand personal space, upgrade a pet, or improve the characteristics of in-game items.

Analogs of customization: improvement, decoration, change.

Strong effect

Customization can give every in-game item and process an additional value. Customization can significantly deepen the gameplay, allowing the users to realize that things they have can function differently and that everything around them is not quite the same as it seems.

Weak effect

Well-thought-out customization is an absolute advantage. The major risk is a potential situation when customization makes no real difference. The key principle is that the effect of an improvement or change must match the users' effort.

Interaction with elements from the Mechanics deck

Customization is not a mere interaction with an in-game element but rather an interaction that changes its qualitative characteristics. Customization typically includes changing the avatars, artifacts (except for the virtual goods unless they are purchased piece by piece), and insignias (except for levels and badges).