
Demonstration is a supportive in-game action that allows the users to share their progress with others. The users may, for instance, post their virtual pet on social media, display their favorite rewards in the most visible spot in their personal player space, or set a status message that encourages or intimidates others.

Strong effect

Demonstration is a social gamification mechanic and, therefore, the one that allows the user to become a part of the community to the utmost extent.

Weak effect

The community wields a colossal influence. When the users have to play a game to belong to a community, they will be especially eager to express themselves in this game. However, this mechanic is useless when the community does not encourage in-game activity. There should be users willing to appreciate others' achievements for the players to want to share their progress.

Interaction with elements from the Mechanics deck

Nearly all gamification mechanics are designed to transform external to the game merits into tangible in-game rewards. Demonstration is different from these mechanics in the way that it returns in-game achievements back to the external world. Therefore, there is no wonder that there is no gamification element that cannot be demonstrated in its current state.