
Search is a supportive in-game action that involves finding something that has been intentionally hidden. The user may, for instance, unlock a hidden badge, find secret pets, or gain a hidden virtual item.

Strong effect

Properly implemented secrets, mysteries, and riddles may not only encourage the users to be more active but also help to increase their attention span (as, after all, every player knows there must be some hints in the game). Users without a clear indication of the steps they need to take to gain a hidden item may start making significantly more useful actions, presuming this will help them to achieve their coveted goal

Weak effect

Although searching for hints and secrets is optional, the developers have to stay focused and thoroughly control this mechanic's design. Users must become interested in searching. It is also advisable to check before adding in-game secrets or easter eggs whether everything runs smoothly without them.

Interaction with elements from the Mechanics deck

Secrets generally come in form of either something that can be additionally gained (an excessive amount of what is usually granted) or something that can be discovered by interacting with something that is already gained. There is typically no need to search for points or levels (as the users gain them by making various useful actions, including a successful search for secrets), as well as ratings, virtual shops, and common space.