
Gaining is a basic in-game action that gives the users something they did not have or increases the amount of something they already owned. The users may, for instance, gain experience points and new quests, earn virtual currency, acquire lost keys, or unlock new virtual territories by completing relevant tasks.

Analogs to gaining: acquiring, earning, unlocking.

Strong effect

Gaining is the key gamification mechanic. Its main function is to give the users a sense of filling the void and to motivate them to achieve a sense of fulfillment. That is the result of well-timed material and spiritual reinforcement of in-game activity.

Weak effect

A user has to do something to gain something, for instance, sign up, complete certain tasks, or log in daily or weekly. It is crucial to remember in the process of game design that the requested actions should correspond with their outcome. It should not, at the very least, disappoint the users by making their efforts pointless.

Interaction with elements from the Mechanics deck

Gaining is one of the most multipurpose actions. The user can gain points, insignias, quests, artifacts, pets, expand personal space, etc. Ratings, virtual goods, and guilds are the only exceptions.

Ratings (both leaderboards and halls of fame) only track the users' progress; virtual goods are being purchased and not gained; whereas the guilds are either entered automatically or by the user's choice.