
Interaction is a supportive in-game action that transforms viewing and examining of gained and acquired items into a specific standalone game. Users may, for instance, further examine and rotate each badge they gain, zoom in on the earned items for detailed examination, look through collections, or interact with a pet or an avatar.

Analogs of interacting: using, studying, zooming in/out, rotating, connecting/disconnecting, folding/unfolding, filing, etc.

Strong effect

Interaction is the most game-like gamification mechanic. Specific mini-games for the users to play in their free time can be implemented in the gamification through interaction.

Weak effect

The mere presence of in-game interactions (even basic ones) is an absolute advantage, as they can give life to the game. Nevertheless, the implementation of all these interactions involves serious time and financial investments. Those interactions may include a variety of avatar's or pet's reactions towards the user's actions, a design of stickers for an album that the user has to put by touching the display, etc.

Interaction with elements from the Mechanics deck

Interaction is a unique mechanic that is connected not so much with the in-game progression itself (gain something by doing something and then again) as with the contemplation of the game (an ability to observe what was gained). Every element becomes valuable not only within the game itself but also on its own. The types of interaction can vary significantly depending on the setting (for instance, feeding, petting, or washing the pet), thus interaction is one of the most creative and easy-to-design mechanics. Various interactions can be matched with almost any item, except for points.