Rewards for contribution

Difficulty level — hard
Let the employee become Merlin and accumulate wisdom. Be sure to grant bonuses and badges to anyone who contributes to the intellectual capital of the company. The employees can post interesting work cases, useful links, etc., on the corporate portal. The colleagues assess them giving likes and leaving some signs. The more response the material received, the more points the employee gets. These points can be spent on both tangible or non-tangible bonuses.


A knowledge base will grow faster
A system of points and badges that can be spent on tangible or non-tangible bonuses will encourage the employees to share the information with their colleagues. A system of likes and rewards from each other will help to filter out the truly useful information.
The team will get closer
First of all, the system of likes and rewards from each other helps to draw attention to each other and give positive feedback. And secondly, employees feel more socially valued when their contributions are rewarded. As a result, the team becomes more united.

Key Performance Indicators

amount of published content
The more content your employees publish, the better. It will be ranked by its utility, based on the other employees' responses to it. The best content can be added to the knowledge base.
number of likes
The more likes the employees give each other, the more they are engaged in this process. However, avoid such scenarios in which the badges can be issued for everything. Limit the number of likes an employee can give per day or week.
number of bonuses spent
When the employees spend their bonuses at the corporate store, that means they are motivated by these mechanics. We advise you to change the assortment of things that can be purchased for bonuses to maintain the interest to mechanics.
corporate portal visits
When the employees began to visit the corporate portal more often, it means that the potion works.

Required resources

UX/UI designer
Community manager

Game mechanics

How to apply the Potion

Set up an interface to publish the content
Either set up a separate block on your portal or a news feed for everyone to share the information. We advise you to create a personal account for each employee, where the number of publications and points earned will be displayed. You should include functions enabling you to put the likes under the posts and add a place for comments.
Set up a reward system
Figure out whom to grant what number of points. We advise you to change the system of rewards every six months on the basis of employees' activity data. The points must not be easily granted for the contribution to be noticeable. However, each employee should be able to earn them. You may, for instance, grant points according to the rating system. Or grant them to those employees whose content received the most activity in the first hours after posting. The decision is yours but be sure to keep them engaged.
Set up a corporate store
Define a basic set of tangible and intangible items that the employee can buy with the points earned. Estimate the appropriate extent of gifts based on your budget allocated for contribution to the intellectual capital. There are even relatively free items you can think of: a visit to an office in another city, breakfast with the boss, or the publication of an employee's article in a corporate magazine.
Inform your employees
Inform your employees of the new mechanics. Express the value of participating in the program to each of them. Avoid relying on the ability to purchase items in-store. Just focus more on the overall utility that the mechanics will bring to the company.