scientific article
Evgeniya Nim
"You are Your Data": Self-Tracking as a Phenomenon of Deep Mediatization
Evgeniya Nim
Ним Е. (2020) «Вы есть ваши данные»: селф-трекинг как феномен глубокой медиатизации. Вестник Московского университета. Серия 10: Журналистика. (5), С. 29-53.
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Self-tracking nowadays is becoming popular worldwide. It represents the practice of tracking one's body, behavior, and thinking. The author of the article, Evgeniya Nim, associates its popularity with a broader tendency of metrization and quantification of social life. The author defines self-tracking as a media technology and social practice with a range of specific features. They are based on the concepts of deep mediatization, datafication, gamification, and automation.


This article reviews various theories regarding the practice of self-tracking in detail. The author provides arguments on the positions of both proponents and opponents of this practice.

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